Monday, January 28, 2008

Shitty First Drafts Response

“Even a professional writer does not get it right on the first try,” what an amazingly powerful message. With this mentality, the limits to which one can achieve are endless. If your average Joe views professional writers as a mortal and not super-humans, they gain the confidence of knowing that they too can achieve that high-quality. With this new confidence there is a good probability that they will produce much better work.

There are very few people who will pick up something new and suddenly be great at it. It is good to understand that most professionals started right with the same baby steps as you are taking now. Practice makes perfect and in the eyes of a writer practice is directly correlated to revisions of a draft. As I type the following words I am taking the advice of the author and just letting my ideas flow onto the keyboard. I am not thinking deeply into the grammar of the essay, just making sure that while my brain is flowing I will not loose any of the precious information that is spilling forth. I feel that with a full paper of nonsense and thoughts I will have no trouble at all going back and fixing up this “gibberish” into a fine blog posting. I feel it is effortless to generate the words you are reading right now, painstakingly easy. I’ll be honest with you, right now I feel as if I am barely even trying, yet I just successfully conveyed more of my deeper thoughts than ever before.

The mentality described as not being afraid to “suck” when you first start something is one of the most powerful learning tools that one can grasp. I have picked up many hobbies throughout my life and none of them came easy. I understand the learning process entails initial struggles and that progress to perfection is only reached with a quality time of investment.

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