Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Brainstorm/Chaotic Draft

There has to be a reason that sex-typing exists
-It is a trait that is good for survival
-Natural selection acts in favor of big strong males that can fight off others and are aggressive. It also acts to favor females that are soft, delicate and caring.
-It is an adaptive advantageous trait for males to be big and strong.
When a male passes on his seed and has a son or daughter
-he wants his genes to be spread and his offspring to survive.
-His sons must be big and strong and his daughters must be good caregivers
What is the psychology a parent employs when raising their children?
-how does a child react to a father vs. a mothers words
-physical teaching, beatings, ect.
-does it cause changes in personality or characteristics?
-will it make a boy tougher or a girl softer?
Sexual-Typing is advantageous in the game of natural selection
-humans sex type because it is and has been crucial to survival for a long time
-especially when male had to be strong to get fight for resources
more resources= more females
more females=more offspring=more successful
result- males that experience sex-typing have an advantage over others due to the acquisition of more sexually selective desired traits
sex typing is advantageous, therefore it has been passed on though generations of mankind

Sex typing begins when children are infants, it is a tool used for sexual selection

Now other factors come into play when finding a mate: education, money, social standing, art and musical talent.
Sexual selection still exists, but the deciding factors have changed as the human brain has evolved.

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