Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Brainstorm/Chaotic Draft

There has to be a reason that sex-typing exists
-It is a trait that is good for survival
-Natural selection acts in favor of big strong males that can fight off others and are aggressive. It also acts to favor females that are soft, delicate and caring.
-It is an adaptive advantageous trait for males to be big and strong.
When a male passes on his seed and has a son or daughter
-he wants his genes to be spread and his offspring to survive.
-His sons must be big and strong and his daughters must be good caregivers
What is the psychology a parent employs when raising their children?
-how does a child react to a father vs. a mothers words
-physical teaching, beatings, ect.
-does it cause changes in personality or characteristics?
-will it make a boy tougher or a girl softer?
Sexual-Typing is advantageous in the game of natural selection
-humans sex type because it is and has been crucial to survival for a long time
-especially when male had to be strong to get fight for resources
more resources= more females
more females=more offspring=more successful
result- males that experience sex-typing have an advantage over others due to the acquisition of more sexually selective desired traits
sex typing is advantageous, therefore it has been passed on though generations of mankind

Sex typing begins when children are infants, it is a tool used for sexual selection

Now other factors come into play when finding a mate: education, money, social standing, art and musical talent.
Sexual selection still exists, but the deciding factors have changed as the human brain has evolved.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shitty First Drafts Response

“Even a professional writer does not get it right on the first try,” what an amazingly powerful message. With this mentality, the limits to which one can achieve are endless. If your average Joe views professional writers as a mortal and not super-humans, they gain the confidence of knowing that they too can achieve that high-quality. With this new confidence there is a good probability that they will produce much better work.

There are very few people who will pick up something new and suddenly be great at it. It is good to understand that most professionals started right with the same baby steps as you are taking now. Practice makes perfect and in the eyes of a writer practice is directly correlated to revisions of a draft. As I type the following words I am taking the advice of the author and just letting my ideas flow onto the keyboard. I am not thinking deeply into the grammar of the essay, just making sure that while my brain is flowing I will not loose any of the precious information that is spilling forth. I feel that with a full paper of nonsense and thoughts I will have no trouble at all going back and fixing up this “gibberish” into a fine blog posting. I feel it is effortless to generate the words you are reading right now, painstakingly easy. I’ll be honest with you, right now I feel as if I am barely even trying, yet I just successfully conveyed more of my deeper thoughts than ever before.

The mentality described as not being afraid to “suck” when you first start something is one of the most powerful learning tools that one can grasp. I have picked up many hobbies throughout my life and none of them came easy. I understand the learning process entails initial struggles and that progress to perfection is only reached with a quality time of investment.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Family walking article. Pathos, logos, and Ethos

Matthew Silbert


The development of obesity disorders in the U.S. has recently become a very pressing and urgent health issue. Our country is considered one of the “fattest nations” in the world, a title it most definitely deserves. The worst part about this trend of is that a majority of the victims fall in our country’s youth. The problem we are now faced with is determining the cause and finding a solution.

One idea is to measure the amount of time American families spend exercising together. It is possible that walking could be directly correlated to a reduced body mass index. The test performed in this article takes into account the time of year, age of family members, parental education, and insurance. It was found that walking varies seasonally, is increased when the children are younger and also when parents have post high school education. However, walking was not found to be correlated to body mass index because families did not walk with sufficient regularity for statistical evidence to be significant.

I believe this article is very scientific in its method of approach: formulating a hypothesis, testing it, and then producing a conclusion. All of the information was presented in an organized, scientific manner. On the other hand, if this was truly a scientific article it would go into deeper discussion of the effects of exercise pertaining to biological metabolism processes. The article describes family patterns such as parental education and types of insurance to try to explain obesity which is not very scientific. The scientific approach would depict family genetic patterns and talk about genes that present high risks of obesity.

Despite some of its non-scientific qualities, the article does a decent job of appealing to the reader through Aristotle’s pathos, logos, and ethos. Logos is the method of using reason, logic and facts to sway opinion. The author of this article uses a plethora of statistics and charts, supplying factual evidence to support her claims. Pathos is the art of convincing the reader through emotion, a powerful tool that the author failed to use. Aristotle’s last method is ethos, appealing to the author’s credibility. This author is an M.D. and on top of that cited forty one sources at the end of her article! She has clearly done her research and is exceptionally knowledgeable on the subject. A fine article in my opinion.